Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library

  1. Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library Access
  2. Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library Free
  3. Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library Dll
  4. Vb6 Object Library Not Registered

Posted Feb 10, 2003

Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library Access


By DatabaseJournal.com Staff

James Horne


Data Transformation Services (DTS) remain an important toolin the arsenal of database administrators and web designers that need to movedata between data repositories. These repositories can include SQL Server 2000,a variety of other databases as well as text files, and Excel files. You'realso being compelled to move towards the Visual Studio .NET framework as youmove forward with software development based on the Microsoft platform. Therefore,you will invariably run into the problems outlined below.

With ten minutes of cleanup, you can use a DTS packagegenerated by SQL Server 2000 within the Visual Studio .NET framework. You'llhave all the benefits of running in the Visual Studio .NET framework, and beable to programmatically control the behavior of the DTS package. This articlewill get you there quickly while navigating a path that isn't always straightforward.

Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library Free

Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library Microsoft DTS Custom Tasks Object Library. The part that I can create the DTS package and then save it to VB made it very appealing for me, but I am stuck now at the next step, because I am new to vb. Imports System.Reflection ' For Missing.Value and BindingFlags. To programmatically check for missing references: In the Project Explorer, select Project (Myproj). On the Tools menu, click References and then add a reference to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 library. This library contains objects that refer to the VBA projects. Create a VB.exe project in Visual Basic 6.0. Reference into the new project 'Microsoft DTS Custom Tasks Object Library,' 'Microsoft DTSDataPump Scripting Object Library', and 'Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library.' Include dtsPackage.bas in the new project. Compile and run the project. This will give you confidence that the package will really. Gets or sets the X.509 certificate object for the package. CertificateObject: Gets or sets the X.509 certificate object for the package. CheckpointFileName: Gets or sets the name of the file that captures the checkpoint information, which enables a package to restart. CheckpointUsage: Gets or sets a value that specifies if or when a package is. I don't have Powerpoint object library on the list of available references, even though I have installed 0 Macro with Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library Compatibility with Microsoft Excel 14.0.

There are two important reasons why you'll want to do this.

  • The .NET environment provides the common language runtime (CLR)with improved memory management. Utilizing the CLR is critical in a web-basedapplication that needs to run for multiple days without running out of memory.
  • If you develop your web application against a development SQLServer and then run it against a production SQL Server, you'll find itcumbersome to configure the data source/destination of a DTS package saved asmeta data or in structured storage. However, you can easily configure the dataconnections in your saved VB package to reflect the various stages of yourrelease process.

The rest of this article explains exactly how to do thisupgrade, and then how to apply some of the common edits required to bring thecode completely up to standard. Microsoft has also provided documentation onthe changes to the VisualBasic language. You can also reference VisualBasic .NET upgrade guide. or UpgradingApplications Created in Previous Versions of Visual Basic for furtherinformation.


Microsoft has built an upgrade tool into the .NETenvironment to migrate old VB code into the CLR of the .NET framework. You willneed this tool since SQL Server 2000 service pack 2 still generates VB codetargeted to Visual Basic 6.0. This code makes assumptions that are not valid inthe .NET framework

As a test case,I created a very simple DTS package that reads two columns from one text fileand writes the exact same columns into another text file using a Transform DataTask. The compiler errors in this article are typical. You may get differentor additional errors depending on how you've set up your package.

Upgrade Steps:

  1. UseSQL Enterprise Manager to edit your DTS Package and make sure that it works. Ipersonally like to get things working as well as possible in this environmentbecause it's harder to manually make changes to the saved VB package.
  2. Savethe package as a VB program dtsPackage.bas. (You can use any name.)
  3. Createa VB .exe project in Visual Basic 6.0.
  4. Referenceinto the new project 'Microsoft DTS Custom Tasks Object Library,' 'Microsoft DTSDataPumpScripting Object Library,' and 'Microsoft DTSPackage Object Library.'
  5. IncludedtsPackage.bas in the new project.
  6. Compileand run the project. This will give you confidence that the package will reallywork in the Visual Basic 6.0 environment.
  7. Save/closethe project.
  8. LaunchVisual Studio .NET.
  9. Openthe 6.0 project from Visual Studio .NET. This will automatically invoke theupgrade wizard. The upgrade wizard will do the following:
    • Create a new project folder and copy all the relevant VisualStudio 6.0 files into this folder.
    • Create a new project and solution file.
    • Create Interop dll's for each COM library that was referenced bythe Visual Studio 6.0 project.
    • Upgrade dtsPackage.bas as well as any other VB code in theproject. The upgraded code has hyperlinks to guide you to more descriptivedocumentation about the nature of the problems found.
    • Create an upgrade report that summarizes what happened in theupgrade (_UpgradeReport.htm).
  10. Fix the remaining errors asoutlined below.
  11. Compile/run the projectwithin Visual Studio .NET.

Note: Creation of Interop DLL's

All the referenced DTS dlls shipped with SQL Server 2000 runas COM libraries. To interface these libraries into the Visual Studio .NETenvironment, wrapper dll's are created which provide the necessary metadatainformation required by the common language runtime to interface with the DTSCOM libraries. (Interop.DTSCustTasks.dll, Interop.DTSPump.dll, andInterop.DTS.dll) The good news is that these wrappers are provided for free bythe upgrade tool. MoreInfo

Vb6 Missing Microsoft Dts Package Object Library Dll

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Vb6 Object Library Not Registered

I am developing a Visual Basic 6.0 application on a client PC running Windows 2000 SP-4. The SQL Server 2000 database resides on a server running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP-1. My VB program will not compile because there is no reference to the “Microsoft DTS Package Object Library” – I think. i.e.:
Dim objPackage As DTS.Package2
Dim objStep As DTS.Step
Dim objTask As DTS.Task
Dim objExecPkg As DTS.ExecutePackageTask
There is no: “Microsoft DTS *” in the list of ‘Available Resources’ (Tools, References). I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2000 – Client Tools on the client PC, but still no reference(s) for DTS. What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do?